React Native Training App Docs v1.0.0

Training App is basically a style of interface design emphasizing minimum use of stylistic elements. It is focused on a minimalist use of simple elements, typography and flat colors. Developers prefer flat design as it allows interface designs to be more streamlined and efficient. It is easier to quickly convey information while still looking visually appealing and approachable. With minimal design elements, applications are able to load faster and resize easily, and still look sharp on high-definition screens.

Training App is a fascinating React Native starter kit with flat UI design, Redux and NativeBase components for your iOS and Android application.

NativeBase is a free and open source framework that enables developers to build high-quality mobile apps using React Native iOS and Android apps with a fusion of ES6. NativeBase builds a layer on top of React Native that provides you with basic set of components for mobile application development.

Training App is build using Create React Native App which allows you to work with all of the Components and APIs in React Native, as well as most of the JavaScript APIs that the Expo App provides.

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