Routes - api/auth/login

Method: POST

Contains route which gets the email and password from user .It search for the entry in database .If it exists then it returns a JWT along with user Object to user. These functionalities are included in login route :-


  1. Description: It takes the email and password from the user. Search the database if the same data exists . It return a JWT Token back to user .
  2. Parameters:
    It takes two parameters ie. user Email and Password .
  3. Response:
    "success": true,
    "message": "user created successfully",
    "data": {
        "jwtAccessToken": "JWT eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsI...",
        "user": {
            "\_\_v": 0,
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "password": "$2a$10$6U3AOzzdBbPH6a3kqA6.feei6GgvPSURkVHNdL13QhPFmnZVVTgnm",
            "phoneNo": "9191919191",
            "\_id": "57e272c7268e9103947bc472",
            "jwtAccessToken": null,
            "createdAt": "2016-09-21T11:45:11.898Z"

Routes - api/auth/logout

Method: GET

Contains route which gets the email and password from user .It search for the entry in database .If it exists then it returns a JWT along with user Object to user. These functionalities are included in login route :-


  1. Description: It takes the JWT Token from logined user .
  2. Parameters: It takes JWT Token from the user .
  3. Response:
   "success": true,
   "message": "user logout successfully"

Routes - api/users/register

Method: POST

Contains route which gets the email and password from user .It creates a new entry in database .If it exists then it returns a failed response to user. These functionalities are included in register route :-


  1. Description: It takes the email and password from the user. s . It return a JWT Token back to user .
  2. Parameters:
    It takes two parameters ie. user Email and Password .
  3. Response:
     "success": true,
     "message": "user created successfully",
     "data": {
         "jwtAccessToken": "JWT eyJhbG...",
         "user": {
             "\_\_v": 0,
             "email": "[email protected]",
             "password": "$2a$10$6U3AOzzdBbPH6a3kqA6.feei6GgvPSURkVHNdL13QhPFmnZVVTgnm",
             "\_id": "57e272c7268e9103947bc472",
             "jwtAccessToken": null,
             "createdAt": "2016-09-21T11:45:11.898Z"

Routes - api/users/

Method: GET

Contains route which gets the detail of all users .It returns complete user Object to user. These functionalities are included in user route :-


  1. Description: It find the details of the all the user that exist in database .
  2. Parameters: It takes JWT Token from the user .
  3. Response:
    "success": true,
    "message": "User found",
    "data": {
        "user": {
            "\_id": "57f7a4a94780025e27f8349b",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "\_\_v": 0,
            "jwtAccessToken": null,
            "createdAt": "2016-10-07T13:35:37.378Z"

Routes - api/users/:userId


  1. Description: It takes the userId from the user and find out the details corresponding to that userId.
  2. Parameters: It takes JWT Token from the user .


  1. Description: It takes the userId from the user and find out the details corresponding to that userId.and update the details that is passed along with the userId.
  2. Parameters: It takes JWT Token from the user .along with the details user need to update .mainly Email or Password .


  1. Description: It takes the userId from the user and find out the details corresponding to that userId.and delete that userObject from the database .
  2. Parameters: It takes JWT Token from the user .

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