Technologies Used
The components of the app are built using the core components of React Native and NativeBase. The theme also incorporates various other latest technologies.
React Native
React Native helps make the development work easier, allowing the developers to focus on the core app features in every new release. It is the fastest developing mobile app development framework that essentially permits you to create an isolated product with often outcomes. The hymn of React Native is —learn once, write anywhere. React Native takes charge of the view controllers and generates native views using JavaScript. This means that you can have all the speed and power of a native application, with the ease of development that comes with React.
NativeBase is an open source framework from the team of StrapMobile. This framework enable developers to build high-quality mobile apps using React Native iOS and Android apps with a fusion of ES6. NativeBase builds a layer on top of React Native that provides you with basic set of components for mobile application development. The applications stack of components is built using native UI components and because of that, there are no compromises with the User Experience of the applications. NativeBase is targeted specially on the look and feel, and UI interplay of your app. NativeBase without a doubt fits in well with mobile applications which cut downs one huge part of your app - The Front end.
Quick links to NativeBase
React Native Router Flux
React Native Router Flux is a routing package that allows you to:
- Define scene transitions in one central location
- Without having to pass navigator objects around, and allow you to
- Call transitions anywhere in your code with a simple syntax.