API - Trip
File Name: admin.js
File Path: /server/routes/admin.js
Contains all possible route which an admin about can access about trip such as details of all trip, specific trip, all trips of specific user etc.
- Contents:
- All Trip Details
- Specific Trip Details
- User Trip Details
- Revenue Details
All Trip Details
- API Path: api/admin/trip
- Method: GET
This route fetch data related to all the trips which a user (both rider and driver) has commuted.
Also it has a filter functionality which is use to filter the data based on the tripStatus.
Renders paginated data.
- Includes a filter functionality, which filters the data based on the tripStatus
Name req type object Contains Query: { limit: Number, pageNo: Number, Name: pageNo, Type: Number, Name: filter, Type: string } Name: res
Type: Object
Description: Response object returned to the api which contains collection of trip details.
Filter can take three values namely: All (default), Ongoing and Completed
- Returns object with four properties: success (bool), message, data and meta .
- Data field is an array of trip object containing all the details of the trip.
Meta field contains fields related to pagination such as totalNoOfPages, currPageNo, limit etc.
Http Code: 200
Name: returnObj
Type: Array of object
Specific Trip Details
- API Path: api/admin/trip/:tripId
- Method: GET
- Description:
- This route fetch details of a specific trip, including rider and driver details.
- Requires trip ID as input parameter.
- Functionality:
Name req type object Contains params: { Name: tripId, Type: string } Name: res
Type: Object
Description: Response object returned to the api which contains requested trip details.
- Returns object with three properties: success(bool), message and data
Data field is an object containing the details of requested trip along with rider and driver details.
Http Code: 200
Name: returnObj
Type: Array of object
User Trip Details
- API Path: api/admin/trip/user/:userId
- Method: GET
- Description:
- This route fetch details of all the trips commuted by an user.
- Requires user ID as input parameter.
Name req type object Contains params: { Name: userId, Type: string } Name: res
Type: Object
Description: Response object returned to the api which contains data regarding trip requests and trips corresponding to a user.
- Returns object with tree properties: success(bool), message and data .
Data field is an object containing the details of trip request along with rider and driver details.
Http Code: 200
Name: returnObj
Type: Object
Revenue Details
- API Path: api/admin/trip/charts
- Method: GET
This route is use to fetch data related to the revenue earned in each month. This route fetches data from past 12 months. Its functionality is defined inside ./controllers/admin-trip.js.
This route fetch details of revenue earned per month.
Fetches data not more than 12 months.
Name req type object Name: res
Type: Object
Description: Response object returned to the api which contains revenue details per month.
- Returns object with tree properties: success(bool), message and data
Data field is an object containing revenue details per month.
Http Code: 200
Name: returnObj
Type : Array of object