

  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/riderStartupServices The actions can be found under js/actions/rider/home The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/homeand js/reducer/rider/appState
  • Working: Starts socket client. Connects client to server. Can be found under socketRiderInit in services/ridersocket Takes deviceId and sends it to backend. Used for push Notification Fetches initial location of user. This is because map requires initial region to display. Renders Map component.(RootView)once initial location is fetched
  • Result: Initial services started. Map gets initial location to display Map loaded. Navigates to rootView.

    Root View

  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/rootView The actions can be found under js/actions/rider/home The reducer spans multiple files.

  • Working: Loads MapView component. Handle all map related activities like when and how to display markers and show nearby drivers. This component is loaded during the entire application lifecycle. This is because rendering Map on each navigation is not good for performance. Whenever the screen has to change we use pageStatus to navigate load the component. All the components like confirmRide and rideBooked are loaded on top of rootView. If the user removes app from memory (swipes it from tasklist) the state of application is lost. To restore it we sync the data from backend. Based on that we reach the state of application which was there previously.
  • Result: Home screen is mounted on top of map by default App is ready for user interaction.


  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/home The actions can be found under js/actions/rider/home The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/homeand js/reducer/rider/appState

  • Working: Displays header which has menu navigation Button in middle which sets pickup location Footer view which can select taxi type(not integrated) User drags map and selects his pickup region.
  • Result: Pickup location set. Address fetched Page status changes to confirmRide Loads confirmRide component Note:- Goto pin not integrated

    Confirm Ride

  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/confirmRide The actions can be found under js/actions/rider/confirmRide The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/tripRequestand js/reducer/rider/appState

  • Working: Request trip button. User can go back if he wishes to change pickup location Destination not integrated(for testing purposes)
  • Result: User clicks on request trip Spinner shown while a suitable driver is being searched Change page status to rideBooked if driver found else change page status to home if no nearby drivers.

    Ride Booked

  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/rideBooked The actions can be found under js/actions/rider/rideBooked The reducer spans multiple files

  • Working: Based on the tripRequestUpdates of driver(check services/ridersocket) the store of rider is updated. Driver location is shown realtime Enroute, arriving and arrived status is shown on certain intervals based on driver location. If arrived driver starts trip on his end onTrip status is shown. Since destination is not integrated driver can end trip whenever he wishes. Rider can click on cancel button to cancel ride. In this case he is redirected to home page. Checks are in place to detect if the socket disconnects. In this case a message is shown that socket is disconected and user cannot perform any action.
  • Result: Once the trip is completed receipt page is generated.


  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/receipt The actions can be found under js/actions/rider/receipt The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/appState and js/reducer/rider/receipt

  • Working: Generates the receipt. Time of journey along-with cost details Rider can give driver rating.
  • Result: User has completed trip. He goes back to home page and can start another trip.


  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/settings The actions can be found under js/actions/rider/settings The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/user

  • Working: User can update its profile settings.


  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/Payment The actions can be found under js/actions/payment/paymentMethod The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/paymentOption

  • Working: User can select payment mode Cash or Card.


  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/paymentConfirmation The actions can be found under js/actions/payment/riderCardPayment The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/riderCardPayment

  • Working: User gets a notification that the transaction was sucessfull


  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/creditCard The actions can be found under js/actions/payment/riderCardPayment The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/riderCardPayment
  • Working User inputs the card details which can be saved for later use.


  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/suggestLocation
  • Working: We are using google api to autcomplete query when user enters his location.


  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/savedCards The actions can be found under js/actions/payment/riderCardPayment The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/riderCardPayment
  • Working User can select from already saved cards to process the payment


  • Location: The UI can be found under js/components/rider/history The actions can be found under js/actions/rider/history The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/history

  • Working: User can view his recent trips


  • Location: The actions can be found under js/actions/rider/home The reducer can be found under js/reducer/rider/user and js/reducer/rider/appState

  • Working: Logs out user. Removes Token.

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